SBS Project Estimate typical for a business in Raleigh NC
Here we present a sample of our Project Estimates generated for a customer in Raleigh NC - an intricate part of Allora's proposal process. This one pertains to Small Business Server Setup discussed here.
Project Estimate for "Small Business Server Setup" |
AlloraID | Service Name | Time Estimate (hours) | Quantity |
NSH-PTS | Procure Tower Server | 1.75 | 1 |
NSA-PTU | Procure Tower Server UPS | 0.25 | 1 |
NSH-DTS | Deploy Tower Server | 1.00 | 1 |
NSA-DTU | Deploy Tower Server UPS | 0.50 | 1 |
NSH-DSR | Deploy Server RAID | 2.00 | 1 |
NSS-DSS | Deploy Server Operating System | 6.00 | 1 |
NSS-DSB | Deploy SBS | 5.00 | 1 |
NSS-SFM | Migrate Files | 5.00 | 1 |
NSS-SEM | Migrate Email | 4.00 | 1 |
NSS-DVP | Deploy Server-Based Virus Protection | 2.50 | 1 |
NSS-DSF | Deploy Server Firewall | 2.00 | 1 |
NSS-DAP | Deploy AntiSpam Protection | 3.00 | 1 |
Total time: 33 |
Computer networks have become an integral part of every office environment; when properly configured, they save time and money, and they provide piece of mind. Allora networks are designed and configured to meet your needs, your budget, and your expectation for elegant and powerful solutions.Servers
Most networks with more than three computers should have a server, a machine that acts as the dedicated 'brain' of the network. In addition to providing network-wide security and reliable data storage/backups, a server-based network also permits the workstations and laptops to be treated as interchangeable parts rather than business-critical assets.
The cost of servers has dropped precipitously in recent years. All of the major manufacturers offer servers for less than $1000, although these generally do not include a powerful CPU or redundancy features. Server hardware usually comes in two styles, tower servers and rack mounted servers.
Service Name: | Procure Tower Server |
Allora Identification Code: | NSH-PTS |
Site visit required?
Downtime required (in minutes): 0 |
Description: Tower servers are cheaper and more expandable than rack mounted servers. Most of our customers use tower servers. If you do not want to be involved in the procurement process, but prefer to simply set a budget and let us handle it, then we will take care of finding the best vendor, ordering, shipping, receiving, and handling. If you prefer to do all of that yourself, we strongly recommend that you order while consulting with an Allora partner. We will receive the package, make sure everything is in place, and take care of any returns or exchanges that are necessary. |
Prerequisites: You must have sufficient funds on account with Allora for us to make the purchase for you. We will not finance a purchase of this magnitude. |
Time Estimate (hours): | 1.75 |

Service Name: | Deploy Tower Server |
Allora Identification Code: | NSH-DTS |
Site visit required?
Downtime required (in minutes): 30 |
Description: We will set up your server hardware on location, boot it up, and perform initial diagnostics on the base hardware and operating system. |
Prerequisites: Tower server with operating system installed. Keyboard, monitor, mouse, power cables, network drop cable, and battery backup. Internet Access and/or a Local Area Network is necessary for a server to be useful. |
Time Estimate (hours): | 1.00 |
Service Name: | Deploy Server RAID |
Allora Identification Code: | NSH-DSR |
Site visit required?
Downtime required (in minutes): 60 |
Description: We will install the RAID card into your server. In case of migration we will make necessary arrangements to the existing operating system to ensure that it has necessary drivers in order to recognize the new RAID device upon post-migration booting up. |
Prerequisites: RAID Adapter, Hard Drives and Hard Drive Enclosures. |
Time Estimate (hours): | 2.00 |

Typically a server requires a number of accessories just like any computer however in server's case it is usually more complicated due to higher demands such as extended power redundancy, dimension factors, etc.
Service Name: | Procure Tower Server UPS |
Allora Identification Code: | NSA-PTU |
Site visit required?
Downtime required (in minutes): 0 |
Description: Selecting, ordering, shipping, receiving, and handling your tower server's battery backup. |
Prerequisites: |
Time Estimate (hours): | 0.25 |

Service Name: | Deploy Tower Server UPS |
Allora Identification Code: | NSA-DTU |
Site visit required?
Downtime required (in minutes): 30 |
Description: Connect the battery backup to your server and test to ensure that it holds a decent charge and properly shuts down the server when there is a power outage. |
Prerequisites: A bootable server, a monitor, a UPS, power and interface cables. |
Time Estimate (hours): | 0.50 |
The choice of operating system (OS) will dictate all other server software choices. We provide service for all variants of Windows, Red Hat Linux, and Mac OS X server software. Some OS versions, such as Microsoft Small Business Server 2003, include many of the other software packages as part of their purchase price; however, we treat these packages separately as far as service fees are concerned.
Service Name: | Deploy Server Operating System |
Allora Identification Code: | NSS-DSS |
Site visit required?
Downtime required (in minutes): 0 |
Description: Base install of operating system, hardware drivers, and running a full set of OS updates. Set up licenses, networking, users and groups, roaming profiles, shared directories, and alerts/warnings. Set up web services, and base utilities. |
Time Estimate (hours): | 6.00 |
Service Name: | Migrate Email |
Allora Identification Code: | NSS-SEM |
Site visit required?
Downtime required (in minutes): 240 |
Description: Email migration can be farily simple such as Exchange to Exchange however in some cases it gets very challenging when cross-platform migration is envolved or when we run into partial corruption on the source server. Allora performed various Email tranfers in the past: Novel/Lotus to Exchange, IMAP to Exchange, Exchange to IMAP. Depending on the size of your Email Storage it could take overnight to complete the Export/Import operation. |
Time Estimate (hours): | 4.00 |

Service Name: | Deploy SBS |
Allora Identification Code: | NSS-DSB |
Site visit required?
Downtime required (in minutes): 300 |
Description: Small Business server provides several components: Exchange server; SBS Intranet site serving Remote Access for Workstations, SharePoint, WebAccess. These components are frequently updated by Microsoft and thus require some downtime and a number of reboots. Our network technician will complete the base setup of SBS setup, run SBS set of Wizards and finish the configuration of the server. |
Prerequisites: Base SBS Operating system should be deployed with all drivers configured. |
Time Estimate (hours): | 5.00 |
Service Name: | Migrate Files |
Allora Identification Code: | NSS-SFM |
Site visit required?
Downtime required (in minutes): 120 |
Description: A typical operation of file migration is not a process of mere copying of data. Just to name a few nuances and obstacles:we need to preserve Dates of File Creation/Modification; some files/folders are named with strange characters or exceeding length parameters; cross-platform transfers of files might affect file types, etc. Allora will decide on the best suitable mechanism and perform the migration to customer's sattisfaction. Depending on the size it might take up to 8 hours however a typical migration would only require three while leaving time for multitasking. |
Time Estimate (hours): | 5.00 |

Service Name: | Deploy Server Firewall |
Allora Identification Code: | NSS-DSF |
Site visit required?
Downtime required (in minutes): 90 |
Description: Install software and apply all available updates. Enable/disable appropriate ports and forwarding in case of NAT. Test that all daemons/services are available. |
Time Estimate (hours): | 2.00 |
Service Name: | Deploy Server-Based Virus Protection |
Allora Identification Code: | NSS-DVP |
Site visit required?
Downtime required (in minutes): 30 |
Description: Each virus protection suite has its own peculiarities but there are a few things always in common: centralized management for all computers in the network, centralized license management, centralized deployment. Policies should be chosen wisely in order not to conflict with other events scheduled around the network (updates, backup), almost always background scanning should be enabled with some restrictions as it slows down even power computers considerably. We will not only go through the routine setup but also optimize the performance and strength of your suite. |
Prerequisites: A server with domain configuration completed. |
Time Estimate (hours): | 2.50 |

Service Name: | Deploy AntiSpam Protection |
Allora Identification Code: | NSS-DAP |
Site visit required?
Downtime required (in minutes): 0 |
Description: SPAM protection is vital for proper operation of your organization. Although Exchange server comes with some SPAM-Protection features it is not enough to diminish the amount of SPAM to an acceptable level. These days SPAM traffic constitutes more than 90% of all email. Allora will ensure that your organization is adequately protected from SPAM. |
Prerequisites: Exchange server set to receive email directly from the Network (perimeter server). |
Time Estimate (hours): | 3.00 |